We wish you a merry Xmas:
We wish you would fund AIDS housing
We wish you would fund AIDS housing
We wish you would fund AIDS housing
So we won't get sick.
It’s getting so very cold (3x)
So fund housing quick.
We won’t leave until there’s housing (3x)
who cares 'bout politics!
(repeat all, then...)
We wish you would fund AIDS housing (3x)
So we won’t get sick
We wish you would fund AIDS housing (3x)
So we can go home
O Christmas Tree
O Housing, O Housing
Will help us pre-vent HIV
O Housing, O Housing
Will help us pre-vent HIV
We are not trying to be funny
Cause Homes save lives and money
O Housing, O Housing,
Will help us tre-at HIV
O Housing, O Housing,
It i-s such a simple thing
O Housing, O Housing,
It i-s such a simple thing
Without homes, we may die
All we want is you to try
O Housing, O Housing
Will help us pre-vent HIV
O Housing, O Housing
Will help us tre-at HIV
Silent Night:
Hou-sing saves, money and lives
Roofs o’er heads, help one thrive
Shelters ma-ke us give up our meds
Force us to sle-ep on dir-ty beds
We need more ho-omes
We need more homes
Hou-sing is pre-vention
It’s a tool to lo’er infections
But the city does not fund our homes
It’s li-ke they left us alone
We need more ho-omes
We need more homes
Hou-sing is treatment
HIV we can defeat
If the Ma-a-yor is a friend
To coun-cil a budget he’ll send
More money for ho-omes
More money for homes
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer:
Nutter, the Philly Mayor
Said to folks with HIV
Sorry that I can’t help you
But it’s not up to me
He said that the politics
Were too challenging to work
And all the homeless people
Thought he was a big ol’ jerk
Then one foggy Christmas week,
ACT UP came to say
Nutter, in your home so bright
Won’t you fund AIDS housing tonight
Then all the ACT UP members
Told the mayor their plea
We have a right to housing
We are gonna make you see
Frosty the Snowman
Nutter the Mayor
Has a cold and frosty soul
Though his shiny head and his black goatee
make him look so frickin’ cool
Nutter the Mayor
is a real smart guy they say
So we don’t know why
hundreds could die
while they wait for a home some day
There are 8000 people
With AIDS or HIV
Who need a home to stay alive
and be real healthy
But Nutter the Mayor
Thinks it’s all ok I s'pose
‘cause the budget’s done
and he spent none
On building folks more homes
Nutter the Mayor
Said fighting HIV
By funding homes
For all in need
Is not a priority
Nutter the Mayor
Says he has no change to spare
Though other towns
Don’t let people down
Philly won’t do its share
This is the mayor’s problem and he must make up a plan
but he won’t budge
unless we shove
and stick it to the man
Oh, Nutter the Mayor
Will hear our songs today
we’ll take the streets
and keep the beat
‘til he finds a way to pay
Thumpety thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
Look at ACT UP go!
Thumpety thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
Nutter can’t say no!
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Activists are here at your house
We’re making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out if you’re
Naughty or nice
Activists want you to fund homes
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Activists are here at your house
When sick people are sleeping
They need a home to stay
But you spent nothing on AIDS housing
So we are here to say...
You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I'm telling you why
Activists are here at your house
…Activists are here at your house
The 12 days of Nutter
On the first day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
No money for AIDS hou-sing
On the second day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the third day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the fourth day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS housing
On the fifth day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the sixth day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the seventh day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
TB in the shelters
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the eight day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Cold nights on the street
TB in the shelters
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the ninth day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Rules for being sober
Cold nights on the street
TB in the shelters
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the tenth day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
No beds to sleep on
Rules for being sober
Cold nights on the street
TB in the shelters
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hous-ing
On the eleventh day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Expensive city clinics
No beds to sleep on
Rules for being sober
Cold nights on the street
TB in the shelters
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing
On the twelth day of Christmas,
The mayor gave to me
Lines for food and showers
Expensive city clinics
No beds to sleep on
Rules for being sober
Cold nights on the street
TB in the shelters
Less library hours
Years on waiting lists
ID requirements
Foreclosed homes
Shelters taking meds
And no money for AIDS hou-sing