For over 20 years our government has refused to fund proven life saving, health improving, health resource tools: Sterile syringes. After 20 years of preventable infections and deaths the
federal ban on Needle Exchange was lifted two years ago after AIDS activists shut down the Capitol Rotunda in Washington D.C. President Obama signed it into law the Support Federal Funding For Needle Exchange.
Now, the new Republican Congress has once again banned funding of Syringe Exchange.
...has saved lives for over 20 years.
...prevents HIV infection.
...prevents hepatitis C infections.
...has prevented HIV infections for over 20 years in injection drug users.
...has prevented hepatitis C for over 20 years in injection drug users.
...has been proven scientifically to lower Hepatitis C and HIV infections for over 20 years in injection drug users.
DEMONSTRATE Wednesday, March 21, 2012
12 p.m.
16th and JFK
More info: Jose de Marco 267.333.3609 |
Ask Senator Pat Toomey why he wants people to contract HIV and Hepatitis C.
Free buses leave 2nd and Lehigh Avenue on Wednesday March 21 at
11 A.M sharp.