
Action Alert from National AIDS Housing Coalition

ACT UP Philadelphia is working to make sure that everyone living with HIV and AIDS has access to housing. The federal funding for housing people with HIV/AIDS is called HOPWA. A concrete way for the Senate to work towards funding HOPWA is for Senators to sign a letter saying they support funding it.

Today, May 8, is the last day for them to sign the letter! Please call your Senators today!

Below is the alert from the National AIDS Housing Coalition:

Capitol Switchboard: 202.225.3121

Please call both of your Senators' offices. They can be reached via the Capitol switchboard (202) 225- 3121. Ask to speak to the housing staffer. Urge them to sign the HOPWA letter being led by Senator Durbin which will go the Chair and Ranking Member of the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee urging funding for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS program in Fiscal year 2010. HOPWA is the only federal housing program that helps cities and states address the housing crisis facing people living with HIV/AIDS. We only have until Friday May 8th to acquire signatures so act now!
If the staffer has further questions, please have them contact Candice Cho of Senator Durbin's office at (202) 224-1934 by Friday, May 8.
Click Here for a copy of the Dear Colleague
Click Here for a copy of the FY10 HOPWA appropriations letter
It is imperative we meet or exceed last year's signers to demonstrate HOPWA's supporters!
Click Here to see if your Senator signed last year's letter.