Call Senator Arlen Specter tomorrow, May 7th, and ask him to fight for money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria. The Global Fund provides treatment for 2 million people living with HIV around the world, and is facing a severe funding crisis. If more money is not contributed to the Fund, then they may have to start cutting grants to programs providing treatment and prevention programs. For more information on the Global Fund, you can go to www.healthgap.org/gfatm.htm.
Specter has supported the Global Fund in the past, but we need his help now. He is on the committee that decides how much money gets spent each year (the Appropriations Committee), and that committee is considering a spending bill that could include the necessary $750 million the Global Fund needs to not have to cut existing and future grants. But a Senator needs to introduce an amendment to get that money. Will you ask Sen. Specter to introduce an amendment to include $750 million for the Global Fund in the Supplemental Spending bill?
What to do:
1) Call Specter's DC office at (202) 224-4254, and when the receptionist picks up, give them your name and what city you live in.
2) Then say "I am calling as a constituent to encourage Sen. Specter to introduce an amendment to the Supplemental Spending bill that will be considered soon for $750 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria. Sen. Specter has been a great supporter of the Global Fund in the past, but right now the Global Fund is facing a serious funding crisis and may have to start cutting grants that are providing treatment for people with HIV. $750 million is the difference between what the US is contributing in 2009, and our fair share. And if the US gives more, other countries will give more too. Thank you."
Thank you!